Saturday, December 21, 2013


I remember when we brought you home and you hid behind the dryer
I never wanted you
With eyes dilated black and wide as the universe you sucked me in
You knocked everything down that could break from the highest possible places
I remind myself you're not my responsibility
And then I take you to the vet to remove all your parasites and drain your abscesses
I don't appreciate the carcasses of rodents, birds and reptiles you leave at the doorstep
Why do you always leave the liver?
I hate liver
In the middle of the night on my way to take a leak you're under my feet
You gently remind me with teeth, claws and a soul wrenching baby scream that I just stepped on your tail
I'm bleeding now
Later you lay on my lap and try to kneed my scrotum into a pillow
You purr and snuggle
What do you want from me?
You play with inanimate round objects and try to look cute
You lick the butter with your wormy tongue and drink from the toilet
You rub against my legs with affection, but I know you're just marking your territory 
You're trying to make me yours because I won't have anything to do with you
You own me

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