Tuesday, March 13, 2012


I left and came back today, yesterday, tomorrow
I don't know how long I was gone, maybe ages
A climpse of eternity, a forgotful thought
A timeless space left me older yet unchanged, maybe wiser
All I know is that the same music was playing, yet the sound had changed
I was still, quiet and alone but not lonely
I was everything and nothing
I was... I am... I will be... not

Monday, March 12, 2012

El Huachinango rides again

"Were you the guys stuck in the mud on the bay?" For all of those who doubt my wife and mine's sailing ability... F U ( F U = N O). You know who you are.  Enough said about that.
Yesterday Jen and I took El Huachinango out for a spin and she performed beautifully, especially in 20 knot winds with an unreefed mainsail. The rail didn't even get wet on a stiff close haul with a 6 to 7ft SW swell coming through the harbor entrance. What a great boat!
Oh... I'm sorry. Let me translate the sailor speak for all you landlubbers. Me and my Beeotch went for a ride in our yacht, El Huachinango. We cruised up to North side from South side and encountered some bitch-ass waves and some punk-ass wind. That's when El Huachinango said, "Who you callin' a punk?" and then El Huachinango leaned into that those punk-ass waves and began to throw down like Ali. Then the punk-ass wind started to mad dog El Huachi. Well El Huachi would have none of that and ... BAM! El Huachi laid him out! Me and my woman didn't even get our hands dirty. Peace out!