Saturday, April 19, 2014

We Are One

Aren't we more alike the opposite than we imagine

A dark turn of events stares us in the face and screams


Do we pick up the weapons and fight and march ahead into the dark screaming the same

Or do we chose to bring a light and shine a path of discovery

One of direction

One of peace

One of us

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

A Place of Mine

There's memory in a place recorded upon its meaning

The heart of a space is set to change upon its beating

Smell and taste the color upon its feeling

Moments of ground upon its footing

Movement still upon its spinning

And all is a room upon its filling

Warm yet empty upon its time

The place I think of is mine

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Dumb Watchers

The machinery hums and emits light to dumb watchers
Wind and sun continue to play together
Shaping the landscape in moments while dumb watchers sleep
Mountains grow and crumble as oceans meet
Dumb watchers extinct 
No witness of space, reality prime
The machinery is gone with no clock for time

Monday, April 7, 2014

No Matter

There was a crushing blow to my mind as it smashed against the walls
Released from cranial bondage and bled dry, it can breathe again
The grey matter slowly dries and flakes away to become lofty
Carried upon airwaves and free to roam
Clearly no matter now, I can think
Thoughts shared and remember, forgotten and thought of again
No matter

Saturday, April 5, 2014


What!? You were caught watching porn by your wife?
What kind of porn were you watching?
Granny porn.
Granny porn?
Yeah...granny porn. I was watching granny porn to prepare me for the days to come.
Oh, I see...Was she mad?
Only that she feels she's not old enough for me now.