Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Ode To Carrot

Oh you orange rooty spherical spindle
Let me pull you from your earthy home, peel your dirty skin and save you from the gopher's jaw
How I love you raw
Also in soups, stew and steamed but never creamed
I'll take you juiced with fruit, shredded, grated or guillotined into medallions that lay about like coins
A counter top treasure counted for good measure
Waiting for my tossed salad
A carotene ballad

Monday, November 18, 2013

All In The Same Breath

The selfish life breathes heavy
Heaving chest, bloated vest
A warm body of man takes what it can and leaves
Doesn't matter what it believes
The bones break the same
Blood stains
Feelings translate into all languages... and anguishes
Selfless are none the more
Fools of a kinder temperament who ignore an existence all the same
A game
Tic Tac Toe in the sky
Trying to leave a mark to be remembered by
All the while wind blows, oceans roar and death leaves room for more

Friday, November 15, 2013


Devour part of life, a so called apple core of life with its bitter seeds and fibrous, hard to chew visceral innards
Not for beginners
Juicy and sweet is fine and so is a straight line
But off tasting and chewy adds to my sinewy
One is what one eats down to their feet and none of what they doubt
So I'm going to eat this apple...all of it, inside and out

Thursday, November 7, 2013


The higher consciousness of being lays beneath the fossilized version of oneself, the picture of the false, the fool dressed as a man. This matter of being is not something solid and has no name. It cannot die nor live yet it is alive. It is and will always be in a singular moment upon the crest of a wave, vibrating, reverberating, falling and dissipating motionless until the next. It's truth and nothing else. It has no wants or fears. It is in relationship with everything and nothing. Knowledge flows through it fresh, clean and translucent. Its capable of nothing but love.
I wish to be this.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Heart Strings

Symphonic low noise I hear is far away
It's filling in the cold but fresh silence with warmth, hope and dreams
There's also a beating, a stomping of feet on fold up bleachers in a hollow gym
They're promising something but you have to give up the fresh air
Crowd in with the mob and give it up for the orchestra playing the song you've heard before
Sit and listen or run for the door, the space, the changing of seasons
Its only a choice, a temporary embarassment
Their eyes may follow but not their hearts...they're deaf and run their mouths anyway
Wait for the door to close and cover your ears
Where's the sound coming from?
... so beautifully with the silence, that one without the other would be lost

Friday, November 1, 2013

Here She Comes

Segmented like a fat caterpillar
Frowning while eating
Smiling unhappy and swallowing
But she smells good, like some kinda fruit
KoolAid or fruity Life Savers
Her face is fruity too
A little grape around the eyes, lips like a butt end of an apple...red
Very red and pissed off
Cheeky, peachy and jiggly all over
She moves unbelievably with quickness 
No escape from her purple stare, her gelatin hug, her apple butt kiss
She makes me hungry and embarrassed
Knows it
I loath it