The A-Frame upon the hill stands purple on green
Lit frosting
A thump repeats from the inside
Deep fried
I count the days of my plan
I won't let down my clan
Fewer of us take the time to watch the children
We stand in line , dig ditches to fill in
Why do I do what's unnatural
The spiritual life remains the factual
I turn alone upon the face of hypocrisy
Stare it down to reveal the empty democracy
I eat what's fucking good for me
Drink the water that sets me free
I carry the handle of axes
Break down and pay taxes
For what?
For what do I pay my dues?
To see it spent so that others will lose
Fuck this slavery...this mirage
Trying to pay for my two car garage
Cable TV, cell phone and college tuition
Wringing my hands to watch it come into fruition
Run my son...take the money and run
Live simply and keep walking into the sun
Don't buy the ring, the shiny things
Always love and seek it
Reap it!
Give and take only what you need
...and with the leftovers plant the seed