Saturday, September 26, 2015

I'm Okay

I drink too much only to narrow my mind

To say inappropriate things and jump to conclusions

Aside from that I'm okay

I'm a selfish SOB who's out of control when he thinks he's in control

I confess too much only to clear my head for totally selfish reasons

To apologize and move on

I'm okay

I hear the movement of people and footsteps in a lonely house

With the windows open and a cool air to carry the dog barks and passing cars to my ears

I'm okay

I'm breathing and caffeinated

Eating and warm beneath my clothes

With cold feet and hands

I crawl on ground that owns me

I'm okay

I change my ways and am drawn by means unbeknownst to me

I am judged and concluded

Better and worse than the last

I'm okay

I will do something for the first time over and over again

And stay fit to be snotty when it counts

I know who I am

...and I'm okay

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Raider Fan

I'm a Raider fan...

I don't flat brim my hat or wear baggy pants

I put on clothes that fit and I look good when I can

I can mix 2 stroke oil with gasoline by eye and get the 50 to 1 ratio right

I keep my mouth closed when using the weed whacker

I can weld, mix cement, plumb a post and rotate my own tires

I'm a Raider fan because I'm faithful

Because my dad was a Raider fan

Because I grew up in the East Bay

I take care of my business, own my own house and pay my bills on time

I treat my family well and love them...yet

They make fun of me for being a Raider fan

It does not compute to them why I am a Raider fan

My son early on realized that he was better than me by simply being a Ravens fan


I'm still a Raiders fan

So please, Raiders, restore my dignity in the eyes of my son by kicking the Ravens' asses

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Door No More

Broken and busted, swept up and packed neatly into a box

Moments before it slammed shut it was just a door

It's a door no more

Now it is something else...

Pieces and remnants

It's scrap wood...kindling for starting fires

A relationship, a fourth, fifth or sixth chance

I don't know, I lost count, I lost my way

I must say the cedar fresh sent was lovely as I smashed it, cut it and gathered up the pieces

What a beautiful solid door that was

I bet one can't find a door like that anymore

I wonder what something like that costs?

Maybe I could build one...or maybe the person who choose to slam and break it could build one

Come to think of it, I'm  too tired to build one

And I like the idea that there are some doors that just shouldn't exist

Like the one's for shutting out the whole world