Tuesday, March 31, 2015

What if There Was a God But Not Anymore?... and Other Bullshit and Maybe Some Manic Ice Cream

I often ask myself  would it matter if there was a "God", and the answer I come up with is No! Would it change anything in my life that has already occurred or waiting to occur? No!
Free will, as the Bible suggest, was given to us by "God"  and it is a funny thing to consider when what humans have chosen to do as a whole with that free will may result in the ultimate extinction of all life as we know it. For what purpose has the experiment of the human race by a supreme being been for? Amusement? Knowledge? Maybe "God" thought it entertaining to watch what "It" created destroyed. Maybe "God" is actually a four year old who likes to watch the tower of blocks he built tumble and crash to floor. He likes the noise it makes, the mess. The idea He can create and destroy something is pretty cool. Humans like that too. It's also mentioned in the Bible that "God" created us in His own image. That explains a lot. It's no mystery anymore to me. If there is a "God", He has forgotten about his children or simply doesn't care. After all there comes a point when Father has to let go. Let's be honest. How long, as a parent, would you enable your children to behave like assholes before you cut the proverbial umbilical cord? Well that's a question with many answers because I've seen plenty of parents enable bad behavior for lifetimes, so I guess the answer for some would be till I die. Maybe "God" is dead and what remains is nothing more than an imagination created and perpetually existing in a universe built to hold all His things, His stuff, His toys and children that will never grow up. 
It's a depressing thought. I know. I try not to think about such things often and I rarely talk about such things because I notice people eventually stop talking to me. I only talk about such things with fellow lunatics and we sit around and wonder what it's all for. Whether "God" is dead or gone, one thing for sure is, we know how to behave. We know how to care for one another including other living things. We know how to take action and create, destroy and love. 
1 John chapter 4 verse 8 states, Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. 
We have known "God", although many of us have forgotten. It's just that free will kinda fucks it all up. I don't know. I suppose for those of us who have the capacity and the will to love are obligated to do so. The rest who choose not to or just don't have the capacity (because let's face it, there are people who are born without that capacity and those abused beyond hope to love)...well there gonna be an obstacle and a challenge to work around. So, I guess it comes down to you choosing to love or being a fucking obstacle. 
I know it's really hard...well impossible to love everything , everybody all the time and I don't recommend it even if you could because you'll just enable all the assholes. But I do recommend that during those times that you're feeling like watching the world burn, eat some ice cream. It's really good and may restore your faith in humanity. 
I love the fucker who invented ice cream. That dude who made the first ice cream was really feeling the love that day. Can you imagine a world without ice cream. Holy Shit! And ice cream has been around since 200BC. That's right...since before Jesus Christ and there were poems written about it in China. But, do we know about the dude who invented "ice cheese", as it was referred to in China? No! We know about Jesus. 
Jesus was a cool guy and would probably love ice cream or "ice cheese" if it was available to him and it would probably have been served at the last supper and all, because he was all about the love. Can you imagine how Christianity would have taken off if it served ice cream as the body of Christ instead of bread at its Eucharist? Talk about love baby! Make mine a Sundae and pour some more of that raspberry sauce (blood of Christ of course) on mine. Sundae, Sunday...that's funny. I digress.
If I could give ice cream to every person on the face of the earth right now, I would...even the lactose intolerant ones. They could just eat it and deal with the cramping and diarrhea afterward, because it's all about the love and it's the thought that counts. Seriously, if I knew someone was lactose intolerant, I wouldn't give them ice cream. I would give them a hug instead and tell them I'm so sorry you can't eat ice cream you poor son of a bitch.
And that's  what it comes down to. Feeling the love. What's your intention? Because when it comes to ice cream, I think the intentions are pretty good. So is a hug, unless you're some creepy dude just trying feel the breast of some hot MILF pressed up against your body. That's when a hug is just creepy and most of us know who you are...
I forget where I was going with this. Oh yeah, be clear on your intention before you take action and if glory is your goal then go start your own religion where you are the one and only Deity to be worshipped by weak, close minded followers who can be controlled, exploited and cast away into a fiery pit of hell forever if they don't agree with you.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

New manual windlass

In my effort to get our Tashiba 31 as self sufficient as possible, I installed a manual windlass made by Lofrans. It is of good quality and a quarter of the cost of a replacement for the Muir Cougar windlass that was originally installed on Oriana, plus it's powered by good old fashioned muscle instead of electricity which can fail. Originally I had taken apart the old windlass which is powered  basically by a starter motor in hopes to fix it only to find the stators completely corroded.  In fact one of them turned to dust in my hands. That's what 30 years of a marine environment can do when things aren't properly maintained. Anyway, I replaced the old with the new. And in order to use the existing mounting holes, I fabricated a mount out of 1/4" stainless steel plate which I drilled holes in that matched the original windlass. Then I bolted the Lofrans on to the steel plate and through bolted the plate through the bowsprit and deck. Here are the results:

The Lofrans Royal manual windlass Installed. Notice how it lines up with the hawse pipe. Works very nicely by the way.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Yacht Delivery Log

7 feet nine seconds
No wind
Lighthouse only working as a marker for a graveyard of ships and postcard fodder
Phosphorescent green glow
Good company
Lights of red and green lay way
Anchor nice
Sleep tight
Rudely boarded by uniformed safety pirates
They found nothing
Current offered unwanted help
Two hours off the flood tide allowed for feeble brained docking
Pride and mussel crusted fender only casualty
Much fussing with lines by the dock apes
Need banana and a beer

Monday, March 2, 2015

Equipped with the minds of masters they roam the halls of thought

The conversations are intriguing and ridiculous all the same

As if the final agreement to chaos is order

But truth is the real casualty to the argument

When lost in the maze of the mind the truth is the maze does not exist

The very existence of the free mind is a threat to the well equipped masters of the small mind

The ones who perpetrate the illusion that there are doors not to be looked behind are lost, alone and scared

The walls that build the corridors of their hearts are nothing but fear

Billions have let the few

The few have prohibit the billions

All on the premise that the heart and mind divided is the only reality

And that the walls of fear dictate your direction


Imagine the lovely

The open space where it is impossible to get lost

A place to flow in and out of like a breath

Life and death

A freedom to love with pain and joy

A rhythm that is existence itself

Continuous without fear

A universe expanding

True Love