Monday, June 30, 2014

Happy Birthday

I wish I was there the day you were born

To see you brand new yet old to this world

I'm sure you were noisy, busy and hungry for life

I'm certain you were already out thinking the rest

Trusting of this world and being your best stayed, and into this world you played

The day you were born I was three

And at three I knew what love was and I would have recognized you

I'd want you then as I want you now

All familiar, funny, warm and annoying

I'd pick you up and take you away

To my little space in my heart

I'd wait for you to walk and I'd wait for you to talk

Because I did...

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Summer Long

There's the dead grass interspersed with green weeds that refuse to die

Drunk in the rain with shorts and t-shirt we swing plastic bats at plastic balls

Bloated on pizza and beer the weekend becomes small and insignificant

Work on the horizon builds anxiety, and bitchy moms and dads snap at the kids

Summertime children become players and observers

All the while grown ups slowly lie to themselves

And Summer long days turn to weekend Winters short

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Four Sweaters, Jammies and a Back Scratcher...

A man left this world, died, perished and burnt to ashes

His ashes will be scattered and shared with the dirt, wind and water

His belongings given to those who want or need

I take home some of his belongings

Four sweaters that will keep me warm and for some particular reason they make me feel safe

My son, wife and her sister wear his jammies because, I assume, are comfortable

The back scratcher...well, my son uses it because I'd like to think that grandpa has got his back.

I don't know if I believe in such things, but I know what I feel

I feel sad, and I feel comfort when I think he's in a better place watching over us when we want, and waiting for us to join him when the time comes, but never before we want

It all sounds silly, I know

But it makes more sense to me when I feel it

Thanks, Monte, for the four sweaters, jammies and back scratcher

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Giant (connected)

I am a giant sailing on an ocean

Wrapped around a world

Floating in the immense

Everything around me is gigantic...yet I am still a giant

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Gibsons Has More Than Condoms

Stuck in Gibsons

I'm stuck in Gibsons which is not a bad place to be. For those of you who don't know where it is, Gibsons is located on the Sunshine Coast in British Columbia.  It's a quaint little touristy nautical town that seems completely make believe, like a Hobbit shire. And like most of Canada,  it's clean beyond belief. I haven't seen a single piece of trash, not even a gum wrapper.  Well...until yesterday I found the only piece of trash in all of Canada and I have to say that at least they have their priorities straight.
Enjoy the picture!